
Family Meal: Employee Spotlight with Jamie Morton

a photo of Justin Stevens

Justin Stevens

5 min read

Dec 19, 2023

Family Meal: Employee Spotlight with Jamie Morton

Welcome to Family Meal, our blog series where we shine a spotlight on one of our amazing Roomies. This month, we sat down with Jamie Morton, Senior Account Executive in the UK.

Tell us a little about your role and your team.

Jamie: I’m a Senior Account Executive based in London, and I joined SevenRooms in September 2022. Our EMEA team has people from all over the world, and everyone is fantastic. Anytime someone needs advice or has a question, the team helps them, whether that’s about their role or recently, where the best Christmas sandwich is in London.

SevenRooms Team

What is your favorite part about being a 7Roomie?

Jamie: I have two favorite parts about being a 7Roomie. First, our people. We all share the same mission and love of hospitality. So many of us have worked in the industry, and we have a real passion for it. It’s great to be able to be able to assist our customers in making magical moments every day.

Second, I love the variety in my role. One minute I could be speaking to a Michelin – starred restaurant in London, the next it could be to a group of wine bars, and then the next day, a mini golf operator in Manchester. There’s such variety in the different venues we work with. Ultimately, they’re all focused on one end goal, and that’s giving a great level of customer service.

Can you share a story when you put one (or more) of our Core Values into action within your role?

Jamie: Of all our core values, Here to Serve is the one I practice most often. Here to Serve is best encompassed when someone goes above and beyond their role. Examples of this could be someone in sales jumping on an onboarding or support call or a member of the CS team helping with a new business meeting.

What three career lessons have you learned thus far?


  1. Always be humble. 
  2. Ask for feedback.
  3. If you believe in something, don’t take no for an answer.

What one thing are you most proud of from your time at SevenRooms?

Jamie: I’m most proud of the genuine connections i’ve made with the team. Since SevenRooms is a remote-first company, we always make a point to spend time with each other, whether it’s grabbing a coffee in the office, connecting virtually, or getting together for socials.

SevenRooms Team Social

What is a non-work activity or hobby that you do? How did you get into it?

Jamie: Being an ex-chef, I love to cook. I’ve been getting into baking bread again, I love the simplicity of it. With four simple ingredients and the right attention, you can make something so delicious. In the past, I ran cooking popups for charity, and I’m hoping to get back into these in some way in 2024.

Chef Jamie Morton

Describe for us your favorite dining experience or memory.

Jamie: My favorite dining experience would have to be in Borneo. I had this amazing laksa there. It wasn’t even really a restaurant; it was just tables and chairs at the side of the sea. The laksa was full of flavor, spices, and seafood, and the staff that were serving it were so friendly. It’s a meal that has stuck with me years later.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Interested in working with Jamie and our other Roomies? Check out our open roles here.

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