Playbooks & Guides

Bringing Tech To The Table

Sep 18, 2019

Bringing Tech To The Table

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Bringing Tech To The Table

With more customers using the latest technology to interact with restaurant brands, it’s unsurprising that 95% of restaurateurs agree that technology improves business efficiency, and the resulting benefits to profitability are undeniable.

But with a vast number of technology platforms offering an array of services, navigating the best options for your restaurant can have a paralysing effect.

This guide demystifies the latest restaurant technology and examines the most effective ways your business can get involved throughout the customer journey.

From optimising online discoverability, to improving your customers’ in-restaurant experience, to keeping them coming back again, this guide uncovers how technology can help your business:

Reach new audiences
Drive revenue
Better understand your customers
Create even more memorable guest experiences

Find out which tech companies are driving the trends in the UK and which of your peers are taking advantage of them through the 8 most important points in your customers’ restaurant journey.

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